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  • Código: 84765
  • Marca: PACER GLUE
  • Estoque: Disponível
  • $5,00


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This is a Container of 10 Z-Ends Glue Nozzle Extenders by Pacer Technology.



Z-Ends extend the length of ZAP bottle nozzles for getting into hard-to-reach areas. Use for more precise control of glue placement and glue amount. Since Z-Ends are replaceable, a clogged or damaged glue tip doesn't mean tossing out the bottle and wasting glue. Fits over the standard bottle ends of all Zap glues. Z-Ends can be cut back to deposit larger amounts of glue. Sometimes glue can build up on the outside of a Z-End, let it harden and it will pop right off leaving a clean open tip. The Micro-Dropper tubing is used to deposit very small amounts of glue to the smallest of areas. The tubing fits into the opening of either the standard bottle or Z-End. The tubing comes standard at 12" long but can be cut as needed to suit your needs. The container they come in is reusable for around-the-house odds and ends, as well as around the garage.



10 Z-End Extenders Tips 12" of Micro-Dropper Tubing

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