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  • $19,00


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          This is the RealFlight Expansion Pack 8 from Great Planes.
              **Compatible only with RealFlight G5 and above.**

FEATURES: Adds 12 new airplanes, 3 new rotary wings, 1 quadcopter and 3 new
            flying sites
          Race a Thompson Trophy Contender from the 1930s, fly a massive Air
            Force transport or a legendary fighter - or push the Sbach 342
            foamy or awe-inspiring Synergy N5 to new extremes in performance

INCLUDES: Aircraft;
            Aeroworks ProX 260 (.46-.60)
            Aeroworks ProX 260 (.60-.90)
            Boeing C-17 Globemaster III
            de Havilland DH.88 Comet
            Grumman F9F Panther
            Grumman F-14 Tomcat
            FlyZone Albatros
            Piper Archer II
            Pitts S2B
            Ripmax WOT 4
            Sbach 342 Foamy
            Wedell-Williams No. 44 (Gilmore Red Lion)

          New Rotary Wings
            Synergy N5 Helicopter (flybar & flybarless versions)
            Thunder Tiger X50B (belt drive version)
            Thunder Tiger X50T (torque-tube version)

          New Flying Sites:
            3D Obstacle Course 9
            PhotoField Austria
            PhotoField San Diego

REQUIRES: Minimum System Requirements;
          Realflight Generation 5 (or above)
          COMPATIBILITY NOTE: Expansion Pack 8 is NOT compatible with any
            version of RealFlight prior to Generation 5
          DVD Drive
          Windows* XP, Vista or 7
          1 GB hard drive space

          Optimum Performance;
          Dual Core 2.4GHz CPU
          2 GB RAM
          3D Accelerated Video Card with 512 MB dedicated video memory


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