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  • Código: 61766
  • Marca: DLE ENGINES
  • Estoque: Indisponível
  • $19,99


Não fazemos entregas fora do paraguai
Preços informados são em Dólares americanos, não incluem IVA e podem variar sem prévio aviso.

Voltagem aceita 6.6 volts, acima desta voltagem é necessário usar um BEC(REGULADOR)

This device allows you to safely and remotely kill your electronic ignition equipped engine your transmitter.igniton system is Fiber Optically Coupled to isolate your igniton system from your radio system .(No Interference!!)


This device features the following:

1. Includes a remote mountable bright LED to indicate when the ignition is armed.

2. Fiber Optic conpled input/output.

3. Pic12F675 Controller.

4. Li-Po/Li-lon/A123/Ni-Mh/NiCad Input.

5. Up to 20 Volt 16 amp MOS-FET(IRF7456) output.

6. Low to 3Volt 3amp output.

7. Low Voltage Drop-Less than 150mv.

8. 100% Surface Mount Technology.

9. Heavy Gauge Wires,universal connectors.

10. Small and light weight –only 0.3 OZ!(8g)

11. Reverse Bettery input protection.

12. Shut down the transmitter power or receiver to cut off automatically when kill engine

This device plugs into a spare receiver channel.

This is a must have safety device for any gas powered plane!

This device allows you to safely kill your engine at anytime (on the ground ,or in the air!)

Or when out of control also allows kill the enfine.



(Battery Eliminator Circuitry)

 The kill swith not including BEC function

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