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  • Código: 178792
  • Estoque: Disponível
  • $59,99


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Preços informados são em Dólares americanos, não incluem IVA e podem variar sem prévio aviso.

The air navigation board. drone incorporates 2 x gyrometers, 1 x accelerometer, in addition to the ultrasound sensors.

The navigation board includes the sensors and a 40 mips microcontroller with a 12-bit fast adc converter. It has 1 x ultrasonic transceiver and 1 x ultrasonic receiver to measure drone height up to 6 meters. The altimeter provides a measurement at a rate of 25 Hz.

A 3-axis digital mems accelerometer is positioned at the center of gravity of the air. drone. The accelerometer is used in a range of +/- 2G and digitized by a 10-bit ADC chip. Data is sent to the microcontroller, a two axis mems gyroscope and a precision piezo electric gyroscope for yaw measurement and heading control.

Both analog sensors measure up to 500°/s, digitized by the 12bits adc of the microcontroller. These sensors make up the inertial measurement unit. The merging of these data allows the computation of air euler angles. drone. Euler angles are used for stabilization. The navigation board software can be updated, when you update the air software. drone. This kit includes 1 x navigation board and 4 x screws

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